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How to study for the Registered Kinesiologist (R.KIN) exam in Ontario

Everything you need to know to prepare for the COKO Exam in Ontario

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Have no idea what to expect on the COKO exam?

Not much information is given about what to expect on the COKO R.Kin exam in Ontario.

This free course is ideal for students who have just started to study for the COKO R.Kin registration exam. This can be considered a registered kinesiologist study guide.

This free course covers how to study for the exam with the current resources you have and is a good kinesiology exam review.

This method has been proven for the past few years as an ideal starting point when studying for the exam.

Running out of time to study?

Have no idea if you have the necessary information for the exam?

Overwhelmed by all the required textbook readings?

Have no one to study with or discuss the exam with?

Following a 5 step method, the goal of this course is to help Kinesiology students succeed on the COKO Exam by showing them how to prepare.

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Kinformation Exam Preparation
Kinformation Exam Preparation

Preparing Kinesiology students in Ontario for the COKO Exam.

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